1.24.19 - Day 3

Today, I just want to collect a bunch of 30 Day Challenge ideas.  I'm going to pull these from a bunch of different websites and I'll link them all at the end.

1. Workout (BodyBoss, Couch to 5K, weightlifting, etc.)
2. Yoga
3. Meditate
4. Write 3 things I'm grateful for
5. Sit-ups, jumping jacks, squats, etc
6. Write a letter to someone
7. Make the bed each morning
8. Get up 20 minutes earlier than usual
9. 60 minutes electronic free
10. Play a board game
11. No booze
12. Tea before bed
13. Knit, crochet, quilt, cross-stitch, etc.
14. Color
15. Commute to work without a car
16. Sweat
17. No makeup
18. Walk 10,000 steps
19. Bake something
20. Bullet journal
21. Stay in my new "hometown"
22. Dry brushing
23. No online shopping
24. Clean something
25. Add to your visualization board
26. No phone games
27. No social media
28. 60 minutes of phone time (max)
29. No sugar
30. Brain training
31. New recipe every day
32. Cold shower
33. Stretch
34. 30 minute walk
35. Take a picture
36. Learn an instrument
37. Practice coding
38. 15 books in 30 days
39. No caffeine
40. Vegeterian
41. Practice a new language
42. Early to bed
43. No Starbucks
44. No going out to eat
45. Only listen to one musical artist

That's enough to get me started.  Time to watch last night's episode of Masked Singer.  #gultiestpleasure
