1.22.19 - Day 1

I love to write.

(Ugh, my dog is eating a houseplant right now.  I'm trying to have a zen moment and he's eating a dead succulent.)

Okay, back to writing.  I love to write and I've been searching for something worth writing about.  I'm a teacher/guidance counselor but there are already a million blogs covering those subjects.  I'm a newlywed (kind of a crazy story) and trying to get pregnant but, again, there are a million blogs covering those topics and I really don't have much to add on either topic.  I love to bake but Julie already Julie and Julia'd better than I ever could.  I, um, have a cute dog (when he's not eating houseplants).  Like I said, I've been looking for something to write about.

Over the past three days, a lot of things fell into place to bring me to this very moment.

1) On Sunday, my husband and I were watching one of my favorite genres of YouTube videos - 30 days transformations.  We were specifically watching this video about a guy working out like a gymnast for 30 days straight.  If you search 30 days on YouTube you will find 30 days of 30-day videos.  You're welcome.

2) Yesterday, my amazing friend Marian keep me company while putting away Christmas decorations (don't judge) and to watch The Mole (yeah, the show from 2001).  We ran to Target to pick up Tupperware because I wanted to clean out the fridge and throw away all of the Tupperware inside of it and replace it with new Tupperware because mold and smells are disgusting and that's how I choose to adult.  We, of course, forgot the Tupperware but we did pick up everything we needed for a Zen corner.  Marian is a total boss and hung up shelves for me and I created a little coffee shop corner inside our house to do my grad work.  Or... start a blog.

3) I recently signed up for emailed devotions from Proverbs 31 Ministries after hearing one of their devotions at a staff meeting on Friday.  Today, the devotion included an advertisement for COMPEL Training for a free course on how to start a blog.

Okay, I get it.  It's time to start writing again.

So this blog is being born in the coffee shop corner that is supposed to be encouraging me to do grad school work.  Each month I'm going to choose a couple of 30-day challenges and try to complete them.  I'll track my progress (and failures) here.  I don't know if this format will be as captivating as those YouTube videos but it's an excuse to sit down and write and that's really what I need.

January Challenge - Write every day for the rest of January.  So, you know, come back.
