1.23.19 - Day 2

Do you ever have days that just feel like this?  Barely balanced and constantly on the brink of disaster?

Today was one of those days.  It was snowing all of last night and every teacher in southeastern Wisconsin was praying for a snow day.  When I finally gave up on trying to sleep around 3:30 (not from anticipation but from sore shoulders) I looked outside and knew that a snow day was not happening.  The blizzard, of course, picked up again after the school closing deadline and just in time for the morning commute.  

The day went pretty well until I received some anticipated but bad news about the health of a loved one.  With that, the excitement I felt about planning a new elementary science curriculum disappeared as well as any joy about going home to check items off my to-do list.  

I even thought about not writing in this blog tonight.  And then I thought, "Girl, it's Day 2.  Two!  Sit down, write something, anything."  

This is why I think 30-day challenges are the perfect amount of time.  There's research that says it takes 30 days to make a habit and research that says that it doesn't.  Really, I think 30 days is long enough to see if I truly like something and a reasonable amount of time to grin and bear it if I don't.

30 days is just short enough that on days when the world feels like Suspend (#notsponsored) I can muster up the motivation to just do whatever I committed to.  At least, that's the plan.
